Pancreas 2000

Pancreas 2000 is the EPC's official post-graduate program. Scroll down to access the application instructions.

About Pancreas 2000

Pancreas 2000 is the official post-graduate educational program of the EPC that prepares young gastroenterologists, surgeons, radiologists, and other physicians for a specialization in Pancreatology.

Pancreas 2000 is a two-year course, taught by experts in Pancreatology. It is the official post-graduate activity of the European Pancreas Club (EPC) and supported by United European Gastroenterology (UEG), among other organizations.

To date, there have been 9 courses with over 200 participants from nearly every European country including Russia, Turkey and Ukraine. Eight Pancreas 2000 alumni have become course mentors, and many more are now leaders in Pancreatology in Europe and beyond. 


Jump-start your career in medicine by becoming a specialist in the up-and-coming field of Pancreatology. Join a class of 26 highly motivated, like-minded individuals from across Europe. Learn, interact, and network with leading experts in the field, develop your leadership skills, learn how to conduct a study and publish the results, and much more. 

Course 12 will begin in August 2026

We will begin accepting applications in October 2025.