Become A Member

Thank you for your interest in the EPC and for applying to become a member! Before you complete the application, we would like to draw your attention to the following important information:

Dual Memberships With National Societies

The EPC recently signed agreements with the following national pancreas associations, which allow dual membership with the EPC (effective as of January 1st, 2025).

Dual membership is currently available for the following national societies:

  • German Pancreas Club (Deutscher Pankreasclub e.V.)
  • Scandinavian Baltic Pancreas Club 
  • AESPANC (Spanish Pancreas Club)
  • Sociedade Portuguesa de Gastroenterogia (SPG) (Portuguese Society of Gastroenterology)
  • Georgian Association of Pancreatologists (GAP)
  • AISP (Italian Association for the Study of the Pancreas)

Please follow the instructions in the application form and be sure to select the "Dual membership" box if you would like to become a dual member of one of these societies.

Please note that the dual membership fee includes membership in both the EPC as well as your national society. Your data will automatically be transferred to your national society, and we will provide you with a certificate showing your dual membership status.

Important Note For Portuguese Applicants

Portuguese colleagues who wish to become dual members with the Portuguese Society of Gastroenterology (SPG) must sign up on the SPG website, and not via the EPC. Your membership data will then be transferred to the EPC.

Important Note for Italian Members

Please note that "Allied Health/Nurses" should select the category "Under 35" (there is no separate category for Allied Health/Nurses).

Why Is Dual Membership Not Available For My National Society?

If your society is not listed above, we suggest that you contact your club leadership and inquire about the status of negotiations with the EPC.


If you have any questions or require assistance with the application process, please contact the EPC office at


Fields marked with a * are required

Membership Category

Account Details

Personal Details

Contact Information

Professional Details

Training Information

Professional Certification

Local Society

Please choose the organisation you are associated with.